Monday, November 17, 2014

That Time When a Lady Showed Up in My Driveway with an Unexpected Gift

Last week I wrote a post titled "Dear Mama Relying on Credit Cards".   I was a little worried about how it would be received.  I had the convicting power of the Holy Spirit all over me that morning and I knew I had to write that post.  Still, I was concerned about opening up so much of my personal story to the world.  I prayed and hit publish.  And tried to forget about it.  Well, God had other plans.

Later that morning, I was cleaning up breakfast while the two little girls went into the garage to play.  It has been great weather lately so the door to the garage was open and I was actually having a conversation with Camryn while she chalked her spelling words.  Next thing I know she says, "Mom, there's a lady in the driveway that wants to talk to you".  I went into the garage to see who it may be: was it someone picking up their coupons, or someone from the neighborhood on their morning walk? 

Turns out it was a lady that I know from years back.  We are friends but don't have many occasions to interact.  We keep up with each other and share deals and frugal stories.  But there was no reason, really, for her to be in my driveway. 

She got out of her vehicle and we greeted.  She and I both felt a bit awkward; both unsure of what the other was thinking.  Her words were "I'm here to give you something.  God told me to bring this to you last week but I ignored Him.  I didn't want you to think I was weird or anything so I just didn't do it."

 Now at this point she had nothing in her hands so I was still clueless, although I was beginning to tear up because obviously this was a "God moment". 

She went on to say that she had read my blog post that morning and having been through lean times as a stay at home mom herself she was very moved by my honesty about credit cards and debt and allowing God to be in control.

She said that after she had read my post the Holy Spirit said, "So are you going to go do what I told you to do last week?'  She then said "yes to God" and was there in my driveway because of His prompting.

She walked to the passenger side of her car and reached in.  Before she revealed the contents of the very blessing that she had brought she added, "I'm not sure why He wanted me to bring you this exactly.  But I trust that He knew why."  And she presented me with a large bag full of frozen meat beautifully wrapped in white butcher paper.  Yes, meat! 

The floodgates to my soul overflowed like Niagara Falls.  I wept with joy.  I hugged her neck and said, "I know why."  I explained that I was preparing the only package of meat I had in the house for dinner.  It was a package of cubed steak that would feed about 5 of us so I had been happy that three of my kids would be eating on the road with the weightlifting team.  That was the last package of meat I had for the next few days.  Earlier in the week I realized that my meat supply was about three days short of making it until payday.  I prayed for the wisdom to use what I had in the best way possible and for the ability to make some very filling meatless meals.  I had a plan to make it through, oh but God?

He had a plan for me too.  He had a plan that would not only make it through a few days but many days.  His plan blessed the giver and the recipient at the same time.  His plan allowed my family to see His very words  as truths~

"But My God shall supply your every need", "I will never leave you nor forsake you", "The Lord is My Sheppard, I shall not want".   

But this story doesn't end there.  I am writing this to let her know that this blessing was even bigger!  You see I wrote that post about the credit cards because of the text message I had received from another friend that morning.  She had written to me to let me know that she had shared my blog with a family that she had went to visit after they had attended our Fall Festival.    That one text message was like a whisper from God saying, "You are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing."  Then when the other lady showed up with a bag of meat it was like God had shouted, "Keep doing what you are doing. I've got this under control."  

All day long I could not wait to get to church. I prayed I would find my text message friend so I could share what had happened since 6 am that morning when she sent me those encouraging words.  We sat together during the service and afterwards I shared the story with not just her but two others from my Sunday School class.  My text message friend then shared that this was the first time she had been on a visitation in many years.  She had woken up the morning of visitation and God laid on her heart to go.  She was off from work the entire day and as she said, "had no excuse for not going".  She obeyed  and went.  The family was home.  The family was receptive and she was able to share my blog with them in their times of needing to get out of debt.  

Do you see all the miracles?  Can you connect the dots?  

1.  A family visits my church during the Fall Festival.
2.  A couple weeks later we hold visitation to go see the families who filled out information allowing us to visit.
3.  My friend had the day off from work, prodding by the Holy Spirit to go, and no excuses so she did.
4.  The family was home and shared some needs.
5.  My friend shared my blog as she thought it may help and encourage the mom.
6.  My friend texts me the encouraging words that what I'm doing is making a difference.
7.  I do my bible devotion and felt conviction over my lust for credit cards and a prompting to write about it.
8.  Dear friend reads my post and responds to God's request that she bless me with a bag full of meat.
9.  I share the experience with some friends after church to only realize that God had set this entire thing into motion weeks before I even had a need for meat for my family.  He crafted, through the Holy Spirit, a plan to reveal Himself in a loving, fatherly way to not only me but the family that was visited, my friend who was faithful to attend the visitation, and my friend who supplied the meat.   10.  And now I am being faithful to share His goodness and His graciousness on this post.

My God is real y'all.  He is still making miracles happen.  He is still providing ways for us to see Him even in 2014 in this messed up world.  He is still God.  It is my prayer that I will always be reminded that saying yes to God leads to many blessings and when I say yes to even the smallest prodding to  know that I am just a little part in His big plan to draw people to Him that they might be redeemed.  Then they can share their stories too. 


  1. I followed over from Brandy's column. You must have felt so loved by all that has happened!

  2. Grateful to see out wonderful God in action. Thank you for being faithful a AND for sharing God's faithfulness!!

  3. Angie, I started reading this entry then stopped to go back to read the credit card one first. Thank you for your blog. I have been putting off doing something that I feel God wants me to do. I have been afraid to step out of my comfort zone. If God is for me, who can be against me! I am going to start my new venture. Thank you for encouraging me and so many others with your experiences.
