Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gifts under $10 that aren't junk for Boys

Earlier this week I gave you my top picks for board games and ideas for kids that love arts and crafts.  Today I'm all about the boys.  Out of 7 kids, only 1 of mine is a boy.  So yes, that makes 6 girls!  And I love it that way.

Recently, my one and only son turned 15 and grew 6 inches in about 3 months and had his voice change and got a girlfriend! It's all too much for this mama.  Give me girls, I understand them.

But boy toys.  Oh, how I have loved buying boy toys for that one and only boy of mine.  Boy toys are easy!  He seemed to have a theme each year on his Christmas list.  One year it was all "Thomas the Train" another it was "Rescue Heroes".  More expensively in the recent past it was "Lego Minecraft" or a slew of video games.  This year he hasn't said much so far.  He's consumed with his phone, and his trumpet, and his friends.

But enough about my kid.  What does your boy or boys want?  Here's some tried and true ideas that aren't pure junk.  These are all currently $10 or less at Amazon with free shipping with Prime or a $35 order (affiliate links).

12 piece Large Assorted Dinosaurs   Every boy loves to learn about dinosaurs at some point in their life.  Some grow up to be Paleontologists but most just love to spout their dino knowledge to any available ear during the "dinosaur" phase.  At least it is science and fun!  Learning about dinosaurs aids in memorizing skills, classifying skills, and future science lessons dealing with reptiles.  Pair it with a dinosaur fact book and you will have a happy boy.

LEGO City Great Vehicles Light Repair Truck  I love the Lego City sets that feature real life jobs and city adventures.  This set is of a lineman.  Awesome!  Boys love to role play and this series makes it fun and wholesome.  No guns, no enemies, just Lego men and women working together to make the city run smoothly.  Lots of different sets for under $10 in this series or the Lego Star Wars series.

Hot Wheels 9-Car Gift Pack I don't think this one needs explaining! But pair it up with this and you will be the winner-winner-chicken-dinner with the kid and his mom!  It folds up to store the cars and it's only $10 too!  (PS, I'm ordering this for my little girl!!)

And one more:
Pro-Ball Set - 5" Soccerball, 5" Basketball, 6.5" Football Just $10 for all 3 balls!

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