Thursday, July 31, 2014

Shopping List for July 31st

Here's the new shopping list ready for all of you fabulous shoppers.  I have added a column that says where in Walmart the item is located.  If you are at Publix or WD hopefully it will be found near the same place.

You can edit your list by opening it and then saving a copy if you have a Google Account.  Then you can delete the items you aren't buying line by line.  Then click on column B and highlight backward to column A.  Then click the word "data" in the toolbar across the top.  Then choose "sort sheet by column B".  This will sort your list into like items/aisles.

Best deals this week:
Nabisco Multipacks
Really Good Produce prices
Frozen Treats
Peanut Butter/ziploc deal at Publix in green flyer
Oxiclean dishwasher detergent deal in New Purple flyer Saturday
Cheerios/OJ deal at Publix in green flyer
Pantene or Herbal Essences Shampoo, etc.

July 31st Shopping List